Monday 10 December 2012

Work Sheet 5

1. Plant reproduce to ensure the survival of their ______________.
2. Plants reproduce through _________, ___________, suckers, stem cutting, leaves and underground stem. 
3. _________ and ___________ produce millions of tiny spores. 
4. Bryophyllum and begonia plants reproduce from _________________. 
5. Topioca and hibiscus plants reproduce from _______________. 
6. Ginger plants reproduce from ______________. 
7. The ___________ will become fruits that contain seeds in them. 
8. When seeds are planted, they will grow into seedlings and then into _________________. 

Work Sheet 4

Work Sheet 3

1. The breathing organs of humans are the __________.
2. All living things can ___________.
3. ___________air contains more oxygen which is needed to produce energy.
4. ___________ air contains more carbon dioxide.
5. In human, the main organs involved in breathing are ______, lungs, nose and wind pipe.
6. Grasshopper has the same ___________ organ as the cockroach.

Work Sheet 2

Work Sheet 1

What caused the extinction of the animals and plants?

Without basic needs!

Why animals need shelter?

Let's Think About It!

Animal Homes (Games)

Please click on the link below to start the games.

Animals homes 

Plants Need (Games)


Please click on the link to start the games.

Discover what helps a plant grow

Put the plant where it will grow best.

Looking After Plants & Animals

Plant Science Fair Projects

Fun Science Fair Projects for Kids

Fun Plant Science Fair Projects for KidsPlant Science Fair Projects

Take a look at our great list of plants science fair projects for kids. Find easy ideas from a range of topics that will help you create a first place prize winning science fair project. Research plants and answer questions related to everything from growing seeds to leaves, botany, soil, sunlight and more.

Take advantage of the free resources and have fun making a cool plants based science fair project for whatever grade of elementary, middle school or high school you are in.

Animal Science Fair Projects

Fun Science Fair Projects for Kids

Fun Animal Science Fair Projects for KidsAnimal Science Fair Projects

Check out our list of animal science fair projects for kids. Find easy ideas from a range of topics that will help you create a first place prize winning science fair project. Research animals and answer questions related to everything from dogs to cats, fish, birds, insects and more.

Take advantage of the free resources and have fun making a cool animal based science fair project for whatever grade of elementary, middle school or high school you are in.

Plant Quiz

How much do you know about plants? Find out with our fun plant quiz for kids. Find questions and answers related to a range of topics including flowers, trees, forests and more.

Enjoy the cool facts and fun trivia while learning more about plants. Take the challenge and answer as many of the questions as you can.

1. The scientific study of plant life is known as what?
2. The process of plants using energy from sunlight to turn carbon dioxide into food is known as what?
3. True or false? In the right conditions bamboo can grow over 60cm (24in) in just one day.
4. The movement of pollen from the anthers to the stigma of a flower is known as what?
5. Amber is made from fossilized tree _____?
6. True or false? Humans were on Earth before plants.
7. What grain has the highest level of worldwide production? (Hint: Rice is second)
8. A trailing or climbing plant is also known as a _____?
9. True or false? Pitcher plants are carnivorous.
10. The Japanese word “sakura” means the blossoming of what kind of tree?

Animal Quiz

Take our fun animal quiz and test your knowledge of the animal kingdom. How much do you know about animals such as the tiger, lion, shark, cat, crocodile, giraffe, snake, rabbit and spider? Enjoy our fun trivia for kids and answer as many of the thirty questions related to the animal kingdom as you can. Questions vary from easy to challenging and cover everything from insects to pets, wild animals, fish, birds and reptiles. When you’re done, scroll down to the bottom of the page and check to see how many answers you got correct.

3.5 Plants Protect Themselves From Dry Region And Strong Wind

  1. Some of the plants can be found in dry region and some of the plants can be found in area with strong winds.
  2. Plants have specific characteristics to protect themselves from dry region and strong wind.
  3. The ways how the plants protect themselves from hot region.
  • to drop leaves
  • leaves with fine hairs
  • leaves covered with wax
  • leaves that revolute
  • thick stems
  • thick leaves
  • thick roots
  • long roots 
    4. The specific characterictics of plants.
  • buttress roots
  • stems that bend easily but do not break easily
  • broken leaves
  • needle shaped leaves

3.4 Plants Protect Themselves From Enemies

3.3 Animals Have Specific Characteristics And Behaviour To Enable Them To Survive

1. Animals have specific characteristics and behaviour to protect them from danger and extreme weather.

2. The specific characteristics and behaviour of animals enable them to survive.

3. Without specific characteristics and behaviour, animals will easily die and become extinct.

3.2 Animals Protect Themselves From Extreme Weather

3.1 Animals Protect Themselves From Danger

1. Animals have specific characteristics and behaviour to protect themselves from danger.

2. The specific characteristies of animals that protect them from danger.

     a. thick fur
     b. thick and hard skin
     c. body covered by shell
     d. sharp and hard horn
     e. sharp nails
     f. thorny body
     g. poisious sting
     h. disguise

3. The specific behaviour to protect themselves from danger.

     a. pretending to be dead
     b. giving out bad smell
     c. curl up
     d. walking in big groups
     e. hiding
     f. spraying black dye

Topic 3 : Animals And Plants Protect Them selves

Animals protect themselves by:

1. Camouflaging themselves or imitating other animals
2. Releasing smells or liquids that bother predators
3. Injuring enemies with hard thorny body parts.
4. By simply biting, scratching and other defensive attacks.

Plants protect themselves by:

1. Plants produce poison, bad smell for it.
2. Plants have thorns as roses, cactuses.
3. The leaves of some plants can change color.
4. Some plants can eat insects!

Tuesday 20 November 2012

2.3 The Life Processes Of Plants

2.3 The Life Processes Of Plants

1. Life processes that plants carry out include :
   a) Response to stimuli 
   b) Reproduction

Friday 16 November 2012

2.1 The Life Processes Of Humans

2.1 The life processes of humans

a. breathing

b. defecation

c. excretion

d. respond to stimuli

e. reproduction 

Topic 2 : Living things undergo life processes


Living things undergo many life processes. There are seven things that they need to do to count as being alive. The phrase MRS GREN is a way to remember them:
Movement - all living things move, even plants
Respiration - getting energy from food
Sensitivity - detecting changes in the surroundings
Growth - all living things grow
Reproduction - making more living things of the same type
Excretion - getting rid of waste
Nutrition - taking in and using food
So, what you need to do is to remember MRS GREN!